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~Avin友斌 a.k.a. Melon
~16th March 1987 :: Pisces
~Queenstown, Singapore
~Dao Ming Kindergarten, My
Cheng Siu Primary 1, My
Kolam Air Secondary, My
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Sg (Biotechnology yr 3)
~Popteen::MIFC::Halo Cafe::Kelab Sejuk::Musicdreamer Live! Cafe::SCC

~Music..Singing,Guitar,Keyboard(Beginner),Saxophone(Stopped),Ocarina(Learning on my own)
~Favourite Artists..Michael Wong(Giang Liang),Victor Wong(Pin Guan),JJ Lin,Z Chen,Josh Groban,Ken Hirai,Terry Lin,K
~PC Games

MSN: maevlion@gmail.com
E-Mail: avin_316@yahoo.com

~A job!!(Gotten but earn no $)
~Good exam results(For my final year)
~Master saxophone(totally impossible~~)
~A Keyboard(PSR-450 will do)
~Compose songs(I did it!)
~Record some promised songs

Designed and made by FsDesigns

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I have not been updating for some time le. Actually, there was meant to have one entry on 19th of January. However, some accidents happened and i think it's cause by some stupid B*o*g*r host site. A whole long paragraph of mine just got disappeared suddenly after i attached a photo. I was so frustrated and yet sad, that's why i didn't have any thoughts of updating recently.

My anxiety which has gone for quite some time seems comin back to visit me recently. I became easily worried on things again, especially my feelings. I started to feel stupid and dumb again for what I'm working hard and pursuing now. I wonder if is it that I'm over sensitive over something or that's the fact that I always being lied. I'm feeling so miserable and yet I have to pretend to be happy and cheerful in front of people. I start making wild guesses when small things happened, e.g: when a sms is not replied. Hey, friends, am I crazy? I think I am.
If all my intuition is true, people maybe laughing at me at the moment for my naiveness and stupidity. I'm so sad....until I actually cried. Am I thinking too much? Oh my, I have truly changed to an emotional idiot.
If that someone really happened to see this entry, please prove me wrong or just wake me up to face the cruel reality. However, I doubt this entry will be read. Or perhaps it will, but only by me myself.

Chinese New Year is around the corner but I seriously cannot feel a slight joy and happiness in the atmosphere. Nothing seems to excite me. Singapore has short break for festivals and that's why I'll have to rush back to Singapore for lesson just right after the 3rd day of the New year.

Sigh... sigh... God(whichever), please save me from the cruel reality. I'm a bit sick now and I wonder how to cure myself from it. I'm sure to go visit some doctors when I go back to Malaysia tomorrow. There will be no happy and joyful new year celebration ahead for me.

Avin wrote this at 5:48 PM

Thursday, January 12, 2006



最后的无机化学拿了90分,应该算是蛮高的分数。(我认为~~)只是可恨自己在选择题的项目里不小心少乘一个2,让我选择题项目满分的梦想破灭了。啊~~ 还有一项令我失去五分的题目!!我竟然粗心到把两个还原半反应式(Reduction Half reaction)结合起来,还以为我做对了!?!?天啊~~ 这次败给生物医药科学系的朋友了,有点不甘心...


Avin wrote this at 4:00 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Anonymous.... or shall I call it junk!?

Haha~~ I was thinking for quite some time, what title should I put for this entry, simply because it's neither here nor there. In short, I'm just dumping in what flashed through my mind now or perhaps earlier on.

I was so happened to read a blog of my friend early today. My friend was commenting on the current interest of youngsters in Singapore after reading a news paper article about youngsters blogging, playing MMORPG and using video or web camera to get to know more people. After reading the part of the entry about blogging I was quite upset because I am the typical kind of people as stated in his entry who blogs about uninteresting happenings, boring daily life and of course without captivating flow of language. Some more, these blogs are rarely visited. However, that's a fact that i should accept. In fact, I the kind of guy which is not good at words and language. Even writing this phrase 'good at words' took me sometime to figure out which preposition to use and yet I'm still quite uncertain about it now. Haha~~ Furthermore, I, as stated at the very front when I started my blog last year that I blog only to release my stress, shout out my sad feelings occasionally and also practise my language(although it helped far too little so far). I didn't even expect people to tag my blog. As for a few of my friends, they post interesting blog entries with attractive editted photos and hilarious jokes. Sometimes I am quite jealous for their ideas and creativity that attracted a lot of taggers. However, perhaps different people have different point of view as what a blog is to them, I shall stick to my own way of blogging... which is with long winded 'essays', broken languages and wordy posts. I'll try to somehow improve in that field. Haha~~ Recently, I have also included a few photos in my blog. I guess no harm trying it. I even have thoughts of blogging fully in English, should I or should I not? (^_^)

At school, I received a surprise from my classmate, Si Cheng. It was a belated Christmas present which is the last album of the famous Japanese Band, Do As Infinity(DAI), Do The A Side. I've always wanted that album and so I jokingly put it in my wishlist which happened to have drawn by him. He was absent for the party and so I only got it today. But, I'm feeling a little bit bad now though bacause it's kind of expensive. I wrote it because it's possible to get it within our price range for the present which is SD$20. However it's quite hard to find these cheap ones, most of them are $20++. Anyway, I would like to thank Si Cheng a lot for it. Maybe I'll write a little review on this album and a little introduction on this talented band which was just disbanded not long ago(That's why it's their last album).

Lastly, I desperately need a new pair of shoes for my Chinese New Year wear as my shoes are all looking ugly and gonna spoil soon. Anyone kind enough to give me some recomendations as in where to buy interesting and nice shoes, preferably those casual ones, sports ones also quite okie. Haha~~

What a lengthy entry? I have not been so longwinded for sometime..... guess this will be for the time being la.... Tata

Avin wrote this at 7:10 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


今天是哈芝节,一个回族同胞庆祝的节日,这也就意味着说今天是一个公共假日。虽然说是公共假日,但我并没有如想象的一样出门去溜达,相反的我今天就只出了一次门。那唯一的一次就是出去吃午餐。呵呵~~ 至于晚餐嘛,竟然还是是我房东帮我打包回来的,天啊~~

最近说也奇怪,似乎每天都要下雨,年尾都过了啊,往年好像也没有那么多雨。反正就是那么准的啦,每天都会下。也许地球就快疯了,呵呵~~ 就是因为这些雨啊,把天气都搞得阴阴沉沉,冰冰冷冷的。(我是在写歌词还是诗吗?哈哈~~)我就是个怕冷的人啊,叫我怎么受得了!尤其我家里是没有热水器的,冲个凉都好难受啊,感觉有点像在冬泳耶。瓷砖也好冷啊,冻得我的手脚都僵了。哈哈~~好像形容得夸张了一点。不过总而言之就是没心情啦,也就是为什么我整天窝在家里。其次就是本人命犯天煞孤星啦,一直都邀不到人出去,好失望啊~~ 好想叫他出去,但是他这里说不肯定,可能要留在家里,另一头又跑出去了,真不知道我要怎么办。所以啊,我就只好乖乖地呆在家里,呆坐在电脑前面,傻傻地度过了一天。

间中当然也没有无时无刻地望着电脑啦,我也搬来了我的兄弟吉他唱一唱歌。突然唱起了好应节又令我好怀念的一首曲子,光良的《雨》。可能大家没有听过这首歌曲,但其实大家都非常熟悉他的旋律。它其实就是《第一次》的第二个版本,曲是一样的,而歌词是由一位应该是歌迷的朋友在光良的填词比赛中所写的。好喜欢其中的几句... 听雨的声音,是难过的心情;,我的泪飘进冷冷的雨里;雨何时才停,伤何时能痊愈,而我何时才能够不再想你....... 寂寞的人才懂雨的心情。挺适合的嘛,大家是不是也那么觉得呢?哈哈~~但愿我心里的雨快点停吧,不然我可就要被冻死啦。呵呵~~


就这么拖拖拖,一天的假期就让我耗完了,感觉上我最近都在做一些没有建设性的事情啊。我还会不自觉地把每天的空闲时间空下来等人,也许何时能够约到某个人出去。哈哈~~我还是不要再做白日梦了,清醒点吧!!我想我也该睡觉了咯,我不想再迟到啦,呵呵~~ 晚安~~

Avin wrote this at 11:55 PM

Monday, January 09, 2006

My dear buddy~~ The APX-9C

The usual Sunday, the day I go back to Singapore from Malaysia. I used to carry my lappy when I'm going home, but for this weekend, it's slightly different. I left my lappy in Singapore, O_o....OMG..... I can hardly live without it..... however, I survived though. Haha~~ Instead, I carried my dear buddy which(or should i use 'who'?) has been through many challenges with me to Singapore!!!! People here should wondering now....Who is that? What is that?? Here it goes, show you all a photo of my dear buddy.
This is him....or her or it....whatever you call it. Opps I'm sorry, this is not actually him but probably a 'house' for it(looks more like a coffin though, OMG XD). Eh, I'm sure you all can notice that Doraemon is at my house, enjoying TV shows on my sofa. However, my sister always likes to lean on it.... oh... poor Doraemon. Well, crappy isn't it? Just for laughs...

Ta dah~~ this is him..... my dear buddy which is a guitar(Chey...) sleeping in his vessel(?!?!). As for his name.... He is called...
--THE YAMAHA APX-9C, a electric acoustic guitar. However, it looks more like a acoustic guitar with a smaller box.... more to my liking as i'm those thin and short guys XD.

Now, here is the problem. I had to carry this guy with that bulky and heavy box from Batu Pahat to Singapore... and on the way....we'd be passing custom checkpoints, Causeway and bus terminals. Anyone interested in guessing how heavy is my buddy with his case? I shall reveal the answer with a proof. XD
It's about 7-8 kg. It's really really heavy. I still can't believe that I survived after going through yesterday's journey. Something more worried me came across my mind. Is the case small enough to be fitted into the customs X-ray!?!? Luckily it turned out that it's within the size. If not, my buddy will be opened and 'molested'(Siao!!) and or probably they will even cut his case to search for drug. Uh..... I'm innocent!?!?! Haha~~ Thank God, all those never happened and i was back home safely without my bones cracking.

And now, a friendly shot of my buddy and I~~
Not to forget about the red arowana fish bred by my dad....cheese~~

Another shot.... Which is quite.... annoying!!?!?
Whew, he looks heavy, isn't he? Haha~~ Carrying him would probably be like having weight training XD.

Well, that's my first entry with photo descriptions. I did saw blogs of friends having lots of photos with interesting photo editting... I don't know how to do that and so i did it in a simpler way. Haha~~ Hope you all enjoyed~~

Avin wrote this at 5:21 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


在漫长的温书假过后,等待着我们大家的是这个学期的期中考。这个学期还算轻松因为只有四个科目必须备考,而直到现在,已经考完两科了。今天中午将会有第三科考试,无机化学。但愿王小姐能够慈悲一点不要太刁难我们啦,题目简单就好,呵呵~~而最后要考的一科就是在星期五的生理系统。本人觉得这科还蛮无聊的,还听说这原本是给护士系的必修科,哈哈~~ 不过讲师还算幽默,所以还是要尽力的考啦!

新加坡新传媒电视台的优频道最近又推出了新系列的才艺竞赛--非常SuperBand(我还在纳闷怎么他们的比赛一定要有“非常”和“Super”这两个字啊~~)。非常SuperBand顾名思义就是一个乐团的竞赛啦。不过其实除了典型的摇滚乐团,他们也接受重唱组合,合唱组合等等。其实有考虑过要和几位同样来自马来西亚的朋友参加,还在考虑中。不过参加的可能性并不是很大啦,因为某一些因素咯,时间太迫没空练习,大家都挺忙得,抽不出时间。唉~~ 想想,也许就让它过去,呵呵~~

再来就是提到我们学校的生命科学嘉年华。其实本人也不大清楚这究竟是干嘛的东东,不过想要说的就是,他们竟然有征召表演者哦。而我啊,就毛遂自荐去向老师报名。令人咋舌的是,一直催促我们表演的王小姐竟然一点细节都不知道。*愤怒* 这还没关系,他把我的电邮转发给了负责的讲师,但是,我到了现在都还没有收到任何回信,真不知道是他们不够积极还是根本就没有心要找表演者。不管它了啦,有就有,没有也没大不了,反正我也已经被整得习惯了。


Avin wrote this at 11:31 AM

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year~~

Yesterday was the last day of year 2005 or so called new year eve, I suppose that lots of people went for parties, celebrations and countdown activities. Well, as for me, I stayed alone at home, facing my dear laptop which made me really bored. However, thanks to people like Xin Ting who was willing to accompany lonely people like me on the MSN XD (Actually, she had no money out for celebrations, hiak hiak~~). Melon really appreciate that, thank you~~

Yay, it's finally year 2006, a new year. I will not be 18 anymore..... soon and my first year of polytechnic will be ending somewhere in the first or second quarter of the year. Last year wasn't a nice year for me...... various untowards incidents striked me..... I had heavy impact on my confidence. Thus, I wish this new year will be a nice one, hoping all my wishes will come true, maintain my performance in studies, find a job(which I failed for so many times and still wondering why?), be together with someone special and less stress from me to myself >_<. Haha~~ Of course, I hope people around me will enjoy a new year filled with joy and happiness too.

Happy New Year, Cheers~~

Avin wrote this at 11:50 AM
Music by Melon


My Pals

Ashton      Brian      Audrey       Alex
Benedict    Bernice    Johan        Marcus
Pin Ping     Shu Mei   Shing Cheng   Xiao Qiang
Susan女王  Stanlyle   Jia Hoong     Roy
Sheng Ping  SiCheng   ChingMei      JingJie
Takashi     Tiffany     HuiJia        Mandy
Gurion      KimSoon    Harry       Yan Ning
Shun        Birdy      Kazuya       Cindy

Star Deejays

Yongxiang勇翔   Bavis渝伶   Szeyoo思墉       
Xiaoyun晓云     Jason纪棠   Ivy爱薇    
Shuzhuang淑庄  Marvin玠融   Cat培杰


Blogger     Friendster       Maple Story SEA
MIFC       Ngee Ann Poly    Musicdreamer Live! Cafe
Y.E.S. 933   Star DJ Search   Michael's Official Website


August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007
