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~Avin友斌 a.k.a. Melon
~16th March 1987 :: Pisces
~Queenstown, Singapore
~Dao Ming Kindergarten, My
Cheng Siu Primary 1, My
Kolam Air Secondary, My
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Sg (Biotechnology yr 3)
~Popteen::MIFC::Halo Cafe::Kelab Sejuk::Musicdreamer Live! Cafe::SCC

~Music..Singing,Guitar,Keyboard(Beginner),Saxophone(Stopped),Ocarina(Learning on my own)
~Favourite Artists..Michael Wong(Giang Liang),Victor Wong(Pin Guan),JJ Lin,Z Chen,Josh Groban,Ken Hirai,Terry Lin,K
~PC Games

MSN: maevlion@gmail.com
E-Mail: avin_316@yahoo.com

~A job!!(Gotten but earn no $)
~Good exam results(For my final year)
~Master saxophone(totally impossible~~)
~A Keyboard(PSR-450 will do)
~Compose songs(I did it!)
~Record some promised songs

Designed and made by FsDesigns

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


终于将我的电脑format好了,久违久违。呵呵~~ 真的有好多天没有上来更新了,不知道是否有人注意到呢?发觉似乎没有什么人上来阅读我的网志哦,有点伤心的说。不过,还是要感谢那些一直有上来参观参观的朋友啦,尤其是Brian, Susan女王还有庭,谢谢你们咯!现在的我正在用视窗XP内建的中文输入程式来打字,好不习惯啊,而且有很慢。我想等我打一篇像以往那么长的网志可要耗掉我半天的时间啊。好!决定了,等下一定要在我还没发疯前安装南极星。
这几天没事做,俺便去买了几片DVD回家看,让我过过瘾啦,因为已经蛮久没去电影院啦。看了恐怖的House Of Wax和经典的歌剧魅影。前者的杀人特效真的让人咋舌,连我看了都有点恶心的说。建议胆小又还没看这部戏的朋友千万别去看哦,我可不是开玩笑哦,哇哈哈~~ 昨天才看完的歌剧魅影就蛮不错的。之前只有听过它的歌剧精选曲子,现在曲子和影像一起欣赏,可真是一大享受啊。尽管如此,本人还是觉得第一代的歌剧魅影,也就是由沙拉布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)和麦可克拉夫特(Michael Crawford)演出的那个版本会比较好,尤其是在歌剧院怪人的演唱方面。其实还蛮喜欢西方的歌剧的,如果有朋友有哪部的原声带,可以与我分享分享一下吧?呵呵~~
明天就是我们谱尔町老师兼顾问,Uncle Sam的生日咯。身为学生的我们当然要上去为他庆生咯,相信明天以内我是没法回家而要住在麻坡了,当然也就意味说明天不会有更新咯,呵呵~~(其实是偷懒的借口吧?)

Avin wrote this at 5:20 PM

Friday, September 23, 2005

A Lonely Day~~

Oh my....another day just passed quietly without being noticed and today is a rather boring and lonely day to me as there is no school.
I woke up rather late at about 9.45 am after a few times of nagging by my handphone(Hehe....i set the alarm la...). After that, onlined and completed the blog update that left yesterday nite blurly. Just when the clock touched 11 then only i realised that i have a mission immpossible assigned by my landlord which is to help him to buy a legacy computer power supply unit at Sim Lim Square.
Before going to Sim Lim Square, i stopped at the Parco Bugis Junction to have my 'brunch' :P I enjoyed a Tori Karagge Don(not really sure of the spelling) at the Koh San Japanese Food outlet which i quite like it. While eating, i saw the chef preparing Sashimi from fresh fish. The fish was rather large and the knife just ran here and there over it. You won't miss to see the inside of the fish too, ewh....... luckily i'm quite ok with this kinda scene, if not, i'll just vomit. However, frankly speaking, Sashimi really nice leh. Haha~~
After that, went on foot to Sim Lim Square in the rain. Thank god i brought the umbrella but my shoes were soaked... :'( Holding the spolit mini leagcy discontinued computer power supply unit(really got lotsa adjectives), i ran from shop to shop in search of a replacement for it. In the end, it turned out that none of the shops in Sim Lim has a stock of it. Uh......i wasted my time. Hehe~~ Never mind, at least i found a shop that interested me. 3 sets of Chinese original PC games(not new ones of coz) onli cost SD$19.90. Woah, i wanna buy, but certainly not now as i am facing financial crisis now. Haha~~
At night, i went for band practice at school. Surprisingly, I'm the only one in my section who turned up today except for those section seniors la. Oh....lonely lonely me, i have to practice on my own without any senior coaching and this has not changed since the begining. I'm kinda disappointed actually....but i wonder is it because i seldom turn up? Seriously speaking, they don't even bother to inform me about practice dates and news about band even though one of them has my handphone number. I blew the saxophone with all my might on my own and played some pieces i chose and make up the notes by myself, don't know when will i be able to step onto the stage and perform with the rest of the band..... I found that i seem very hard to mix with the band members leh, i am kinda timid and unsociable at times. Maybe it's caused by how i speak, i was afraid that i might stutter when i'm talking to them as my English is not that good. Oh.....i don't want to be an outcast, i should try to mix with them better and brush up my english as soon as possible. Haha~~ Anyway, played and learnt a piece called Diamond Dust after listened to Benedict playing a part of it today. It's a Japanese song and the theme song of a Japanese drama, Ice World i think. It's nice and thanks to Ben for giving me the inspiration accidentally, otherwise i won't know what song to play. I'll put the song up here when i got d mp3. Hahaha~~
That's all for now. I'm tired already, sleep time. Hiak hiak~~

Avin wrote this at 2:03 AM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


昨天是我期待已久的木船歌唱比賽初賽。信心滿滿的我帶著愉快的心情前往賽場。我萬萬沒有料到﹐這場比賽將會是我最恐怖的一次惡夢。昨天的比賽採用的是七選四的制度﹐四位入選的將進入半決賽。我跟往常比賽一樣﹐在上場前開聲﹐練唱﹐一切都非常順利﹐但不舒服的喉嚨的確讓我擔心了一下。我抽中了編號二﹐還算OK的編號。比賽開始之際﹐司儀大概講解了比賽的流程﹐但慢著﹐怎麼他沒有介紹評判啊﹖真的好奇怪﹐就連評判是誰﹐在那裡﹐我一點概念都沒有。沒兩下子就到我上場了。開始時一切都還好﹐只是音樂稍微有些不對勁(非常小聲而且朦朦的)。一直到了假音的部份﹐不知道什麼原因﹐我失誤了一兩個音。當時真的好擔心﹐好氣憤﹐不過後來看到其他的參賽者的實力並非很強﹐我就比較放心了。到了比賽成勣揭曉時﹐我愣著了..........我落選了......傷心之余﹐莫名其妙的感覺也涌上來了。怎麼會這樣啊﹖我問自己。我還怕自己耳朵有問題﹐故意跑去櫃檯問了侍應生多一次﹐結果還是沒有改變。這應該是我有始以來第一次參加比賽連初賽都過不了關的吧﹐而且還是七選四﹐人數少得可憐的噢﹐快瘋了~~ 天啊﹐我要怎麼告訴我的家人和Uncle Sam﹖我最後還是鼓起勇氣給家人和Uncle Sam發了信息。他們大概都嚇到了吧﹐尤其是Uncle。他無話可說﹐不知道該怎麼安慰我。我越來越不想要參加歌唱比賽了﹐越比真的就越沒信心﹐我好灰心啊。儘管如此﹐我還是不會放棄歌唱的﹐但是﹐我這次的失敗是否意味着我沒有辦法進入木船了呢﹖暫且不要想啦﹐我須要一些時間冷靜一下。
唉....今天又再次給我的筆記型電腦搞瘋了。防毒軟件出問題(笨ACER給的NORTON竟然是試用的..)﹐電腦速度媲美龜速﹐無線網的訊號接收更是“好”(爛啦﹗﹗)得不得了。現在用這電腦﹐要在我房間上一下網都辛苦﹐上沒兩分鐘就斷線。氣起來真的好想把他砸了﹗﹗又是一件在一個週末以內就改變了的事﹐為什麼這種事情總是找上我咧﹖納悶啊........這週末回去﹐我鐵定要把電腦重灌﹐否則我會先發瘋。要是海螺願意發那個姍姍來遲了三個月的薪水給我﹐我會逼自己把那廢物256MB的DDR2 RAM換掉﹐不然難消我心頭之恨。呵呵~~ 我想我以後大概再也不買ACER的筆記型電腦了。
我今天做了一件很失控的事﹐就是信息了一個人要求一樣東西。我事先完全沒有好好想過這樣做究竟妥當嗎﹐那個後果會怎樣﹖最後﹐我發現我似乎做錯了﹐那個人似乎不願意回應我..... 我感覺我近乎失去了一個朋友﹐我好氣自己啊。然而﹐在這過程中也讓我發現了那個人的秘密﹐一個讓我痛心但是卻又不明白為了什麼而痛心的秘密。哈哈~~好亂是吧﹖不好意思啦大家﹐我每次都這樣。我那麼做是希望我把它打出來﹐自己心裡會好過一點.....

Avin wrote this at 11:55 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tonight~~Competition @ Ark Music Cafe

Finally, the competition is here. Although it is just the preliminary round, I'm still kind of nervous. Haha~~ Just backed to Singapore this morning and still quite tired after the long journey. Oh my god..... my throat seems don't wanna cooperate leh, tickling me all the time and it's kinda dry right now, i hope that it'll be alright by the time night falls. I have received smses and messages from friends wishing me good luck for the night and i really appreciate that, thanks you all.
A few days ago, i was busy with some performance with popteen and since one of our members already went to Taiwan, our workload had been increased tremendously. It was a performance on a wedding on the Lantern Festival(18th September 2005) and it's nice to see couples got together, really touched. Before the performance at night, i went to another wedding ceremony in the afternoon. It was my aunt's wedding and she looked gorgeous. Haha~~ Well, it is kinda weird to attend so many wedding ceremonies on the same day though.
Yesterday, before turning in, i was troubled by what to wear for today's competition. Uhh..... this does not suit the song, ohh...... this one looks so outdated.....i really have a lot of complains about it. My mum who was trying to match me the outfits was quite annoyed too. Haha~~ at last i realised i should have decided on this kind of things earlier. Hiak hiak~~ After all the nuisance, i went online for a while before sleeping. Surprisingly, i met Mrs Tang and she gave me a great opportunity to contribute to the school. I was really delighted and honoured to hear that. However, it is still not confirmed yet lah. Haha~~I am so excited now and i hope it'll really come true.
I think i'll end my post here. Hope that you all will like the new layout of my blog, spent quite some time to find it. More changes and updates will come soon. Currently, i think you all will be able to listen to a song at my blog but it will take sometime for it to be downloaded. It is a new song of Z Chen(a Malaysian artist) titled Happiness or Kuai Le in Chinese. Hope that you all will like it and please don't forget to view my blog using Unicode(UTF-8) ooo. Haha~~ Tata~~

Avin wrote this at 1:47 PM

Saturday, September 17, 2005


我回來咯﹐回到網誌也回到馬來西亞咯(其實你每個星期都會回吧....)。今天就算是我這個學期假的正式開始咯。長達六個星期的假期究竟要怎麼過呢﹖今天不禁問了自己﹐我想我會無聊到死耶。目前期待著和家人到吉隆坡的旅行﹐我要購物﹐我要購物﹗﹗呵呵~~ 剩下的假期日子也許會有一半在馬來西亞過﹐一半在新加坡過吧。我是那麼計劃的啦﹐不過就象福建話說的一樣--單說是不用本錢的﹐到時還是會有變卦的可能性啦。哈哈~~

Avin wrote this at 1:33 AM

Friday, September 16, 2005




Avin wrote this at 1:24 AM

The Popteen~~

Introducing Popteen~~
I'm the only boy in the group as shown in the photo. There is someone being left out from the photo which is our advisor and teacher as he was the photographer.

Another photo of our group~~

Avin wrote this at 12:10 AM

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Back to the Blogging Days........

Finally, I'm back here in Avin's Haven, back to my blogging days again. Woah......how many days since I last blogged. I've skipped blogging for about 3 weeks which is nearly a month, how long these days are...... Many incidents happened around during my absence in Avin's Haven and i was not able to record it down and share with all. There goes my cell cycle key regulators presentation for the lecture group (quite satisfied with it...(",) ), the Finals of Popteen Student Idol Singing Competition at Muar, Malaysia (quite successful as for opinion), the 1F06 class outing to Sentosa Siloso Beach (it was really fun....), the leaving of one of our Popteen members, Xin Ting for Taiwan to further her studies in Mass Communication (some of us cried at the airport but definitely not me....), the stupid diarrhea which haunted me for nearly a week (damn uncomfortable but at last i'm well now....) and also our semester exam which has just ended TODAY. Simply too many things happened and i was not able to mention everything but that is roughly how my life was during the non-blogging days. It is sured that this post will be quite long so I may need a little bit of patience from you all loh, haha~~
I was sick and busy preparing the exam lately and that is why i didn't blog. Some of my friends just wonder why and they asked me. Haha~~that shows that at least someone has been reading my blog but i wonder if they are still doing it currently, hiak hiak!! For the days ahead, my updates may not be consistent too as i still have something to work with, for example, the preliminary round of Ark Cafe Singing Competition,SG next week on Tuesday. I need intesive practice for it as i already had not been stepping onto competition stage for nearly a year and i'm very nervous now, legs and body shaking...... There are about 7 days of preliminary and altogether about 60 contestants. Just hope that i'll be lucky enough to make it through this first round of competition. I chose the song 會有那麼一天 by JJ Lin as my competition song. Anyone heard of the song? It's a nice song which people around me esp. my mum and i like. Haha~~
The final exam of my first semester has just ended today. Today i was sitting for the Organic and Biological Chemistry paper and the day before i sat for the Cell Biology paper. Both papers are ok for me as there are both easy portion and difficult ones esp. some conversion of trans isomers to cis isomers in the OBC paper today. Some people misread "produce cis from trans" as "produce trans from cis" and this is exactly what happened to me during my common test, I hope it will not happen again in the future. For the moment, i just hope that i can get satisfying results for all the modules of this semester. As holidays coming, i'll enjoy and rest myself first before the next busy semester steps in.
Recently, i got something that keeps on troubling my mind and it makes me a little bit....little bit depressed?!?! (is it PMS or menopause?? nonono surely not, haha) My stupid laptop which has been giving me trouble lately (i'll format you, dear laptop!) worsened the situation. I just hope that 'the thing' can quickly vanish from my mind so that i can enjoy my holidays, yeah!!
Till here my post will be, hoping that the next update will not be too long. Tata~~

Avin wrote this at 11:55 PM
Music by Melon


My Pals

Ashton      Brian      Audrey       Alex
Benedict    Bernice    Johan        Marcus
Pin Ping     Shu Mei   Shing Cheng   Xiao Qiang
Susan女王  Stanlyle   Jia Hoong     Roy
Sheng Ping  SiCheng   ChingMei      JingJie
Takashi     Tiffany     HuiJia        Mandy
Gurion      KimSoon    Harry       Yan Ning
Shun        Birdy      Kazuya       Cindy

Star Deejays

Yongxiang勇翔   Bavis渝伶   Szeyoo思墉       
Xiaoyun晓云     Jason纪棠   Ivy爱薇    
Shuzhuang淑庄  Marvin玠融   Cat培杰


Blogger     Friendster       Maple Story SEA
MIFC       Ngee Ann Poly    Musicdreamer Live! Cafe
Y.E.S. 933   Star DJ Search   Michael's Official Website


August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007
