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~Avin友斌 a.k.a. Melon
~16th March 1987 :: Pisces
~Queenstown, Singapore
~Dao Ming Kindergarten, My
Cheng Siu Primary 1, My
Kolam Air Secondary, My
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Sg (Biotechnology yr 3)
~Popteen::MIFC::Halo Cafe::Kelab Sejuk::Musicdreamer Live! Cafe::SCC

~Music..Singing,Guitar,Keyboard(Beginner),Saxophone(Stopped),Ocarina(Learning on my own)
~Favourite Artists..Michael Wong(Giang Liang),Victor Wong(Pin Guan),JJ Lin,Z Chen,Josh Groban,Ken Hirai,Terry Lin,K
~PC Games

MSN: maevlion@gmail.com
E-Mail: avin_316@yahoo.com

~A job!!(Gotten but earn no $)
~Good exam results(For my final year)
~Master saxophone(totally impossible~~)
~A Keyboard(PSR-450 will do)
~Compose songs(I did it!)
~Record some promised songs

Designed and made by FsDesigns

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Back in Singapore~~

After spending the weekend in Batu Pahat, my hometown, I came back to Singapore again today (Sunday). Haha~~

On Saturday, Meng Chuan, my former school mate who is currently studying at Tunku Abdul Rahman College, KL came to seek help from me. He and a few of my former school mates formed a band and took part in a so call unplugged singing competition held by their school Music Society. Before i forget, I shall congrats them for entering the semi-finals, bravo!!! He came to discuss with me on their song to be performed in the semis. That stupid Music Society gave a very weird and yet challenging request to the semi-finalists (I hate TARC Music Society....). They want them to merge a Pop song and a 80's oldies to be their competition song. They are still newbies, I'm sure this will not be easy to them. Actually Meng Chuan went to see our former guitar teacher to seek help earlier, he was just there for my opinion. In the end, he decided to choose two songs, Can't Help Falling In Love of F4 (formerly by Elvis i suppose) and 放我的真心在你的手心 by Z Chen (formerly by 叶欢).

Oh my... this post is really a little bit neither here nor there, as i didn't complete it at once but twice after a very long time. It's probably that I have forgotten something though. Haha~~

Avin wrote this at 8:48 PM


最近在听电台的时候,无意间让我听到了一首好歌。其实我现在已经很少听电台了,能让我听到它,真的是太幸运了。这首是孙燕姿收录在新专辑,完美的一天里的隐形人。歌词很令人感动....不过这纯属我自己的看法,不知道是否准确。我是个有时会感觉错误的人,哈哈~~ 我好喜欢它!!我不会在意那么多,就让我做一个隐形人吧.......

作詞:小寒 作曲:林毅心/黃韻仁 編曲:黃韻仁

無論你肯或不肯 我都選擇等 等到你結束好久 探險的旅程
要是沒有寂寞陪襯 沒有途中的灰塵 你怎會嚮往家門

你越是想要誠懇 其實越殘忍 偽裝不了你對我 漠視的眼神
你不許我聽信永恆 不許我迷信我們 不許我奮不顧身

*多想化成 隱形的人 掩飾我傷痕 給你 我的體溫好幫你驅走寒冷 
我想化成 隱形的人 隱藏我的淚在翻滾 我在你凌亂世界留下的指紋 

朋友都於心不忍 責備我愚蠢 但他們都迴避我 執著的眼神
可知我對愛的虔誠 可知我迷信我們 可知我難得放任

Repeat *,*

Avin wrote this at 1:12 AM

Some things....

Actually, I don't really know what title to put for this particular entry. Simply because it's a bit of here and there, it doesn't really has a focus. Haha~~ well, I'll update my haven with something that happened recently.

I've received an e-mail from my current Microbiology lecturer, Mr Gregory Chow a week ago and the mail was about the LSCT Academic Award Giving Ceremony. Oh gosh... I'm in the list, I'm so overwhelmed by that, yay!!!! (enough of my madness....)However, the prizes are not stated in the mail so i was wondering all the time, what award will I be receiving. Haha~~
I even asked Mrs Tang about it on Monday during the Microbiology Practical session. All the answers I've got from her is, the result is confidential, they must have suspense..... O_O I was so eager to know about it. And finally, it was Tuesday, the award giving day. Chee Hao, Yi Cheen, Su Cheng and I together with a few award recipient went to the LT 79 for the ceremony. Throughout the ceremony, I was shaking from both excitement and the feeling of nervous and thanks to the agenda, the ceremony started off with awards for Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering(CBE) and Chemical Engineering(CE). This kept me suspended longer..... uh..... I hate the feeling. After waiting with full patience, it's the award presentation for Biotechnology(BIO). Ooooooh my, I was presented with Best Performance in Cell Biology(CBIO) and Organic and Biological Chemistry(OBC) and The Most Outstanding Performance in the course Biotechnology level 1.2. I got listed in the Director's List which refers to the top 10% too. I was soooooooo happy and most importantly, I felt honoured!!! Luckily i did not fail my parents, haha~~ For Chee Hao, he got the Best Performance in Individual and The Community(IAC) which is the subject i hated the most and caused a dirt on the result slip. Yi Cheen from my class got Best Performance in Cell Biology. I was wondering why 2 of us received award for the same module. Is it that our marks are the same? However, that's quite coincident too. In the end, we found that award recipients will receive cash other than certs at a later time. Oh yes!!!! I like it simply because I love money.... wahahaha, don't be so serious, I'm just kidding. I think that will probably solve a little bit of my financial crisis though.

A few days after that, i received call from my mum who told me about a letter from Ngee Ann Poly regarding a medal presentation on 23rd Jan 2006. I was surprised and happy to know about it that they actually even present medals to year 1 students. My mum promised that she'll turn up for the function in Singapore. I felt so ...... i don't know what feeling is that.... it's undescribable. Haha~~ I really hope that I will be able to uphold the results and the position for this commencing semester. However, i have a bad feeling about it.... I hope my instinct is wrong and I shall work harder to uphold it for my own sake.

I realised some very serious problem on me recently, something on my hair.... I discovered quite an amount of hair on my table in my room. I supposed that it's a sign of hair problem. I've received warning from my previous hair dresser about it and the nightmare seems arrived earlier than i thought it would. I wonder what is the reason for that. Is it because of my worsening anxiety disorder? I'm quite moody recently for several reasons but at the same time, I was also overwhelmed by my achievement, so that's reli complicated. Maybe sometimes when good and bad things come to your mind together, it'll cause hormonal imbalance. Wahahah~~~ just simply wild guesses. However, what i really hope it's that it will not worsen... or probably not a real hair problem. I reli don't want my forehead to be anymore higher le.

That's roughly for this entry. I realise that i wrote a bit too much and crappy for the first part. Hope you all won't mind about it, ya? Hahaha..... Tata~~

Avin wrote this at 12:58 AM

Friday, November 18, 2005


转眼之间,新的学期已经过了三个星期,在过多一周就是过了整个学期的四分之一。天啊~~ 时间真的是过得太快了,大家还没来得及好好享受生活,日子就悄悄的溜走了。(真烂的修辞!华语又退步了......)再来说到我的网志,都已经好久没有更新了,简直就像死了一样。(恐怖的比喻......)也该是时候面对了,不能再逃避咯,呵呵~~ 其实每次会想要写网志都是因为有一些心事困扰着我,我想写网志大概可以让我觉得舒服一点吧,毕竟那么就没写,我近来的心情就不怎么好的说。

唉...心事啊,心事,真的是太多了,还是先搁一遍,聊聊些近况吧。最近因为通过朋友的介绍和唆使......呃....不,是邀约(笑~~)迷上了网路游戏。目前正在猛拼的是韩产的网路游戏--枫之谷(英文称为Maple Story)。由于过度沉迷,因此近来每一天都至少凌晨一点才入睡。第二天醒来上课真的是有够我受的了,而且我本身体力又不好,再而且,我这学期除了星期四,剩下四天的课可都是早上八点开始的。庆幸的是,枫之谷是一个免付费的网路游戏,所以我也不用为月费而伤脑筋。总括而言,就是希望我的身体能受得了这样的操劳(白痴,那么累就别玩啦~~)再不然就是但愿我能够早日让自己抽离这个游戏(低能,你知道你自己不行的啦~~)。呵呵~~

昨天在学校停车场遇见了我们上个学期的细胞生物学讲师,也是我们这个学期的微生物学实验讲师的Mrs Tang。他向我提到了新加坡青年及体育部(应该没错...)属下的青年辅导辅助计划(不知道翻译得妥当吗?英文是叫Youth Mentoring Programme)并鼓励我加入成为“导师”(Mentor)。他非常的心急哦,要我当天就给他答复,真是咄咄逼人啊。经过了几番的思考,我最终答应了参加这项活动。在累积经验,学习的同时,我也希望能够结交到更多朋友啦。据Mrs Tang所说,这项活动为期三个月,第一阶段在明年的一月至四月,至于第二阶段的日期尚未公布。由于担心无法应付明年三月的期终考,我选择加入第二阶段的计划。计划的进行方式是由一到两位年龄介于17到30岁的“导师”去引导与协助一组中学生完成一项计划。在成为导师前会有几次的培训,教导我们如何面对工作上的挑战。可以说是一项相当不错的活动,这也是为什么我选择加入了。哈哈~~ 而且每次开会和讨论都会有津贴哦,非常诱人....(贪钱鬼!!)

还有什么值得分享的呢?其实有挺多的啦,毕竟那么长时间没写网志了,现在先挑几个来说吧。由于经济状况所逼而想要找工作的计划到最近有了一些进展。我向令我万分失望的木船民歌餐厅提出了歌乐手申请,回复是说由于应征人数众多,我要等到12月才能够进行面试。(时间不是问题....)之前的事件令我对木船十分的失望,同时也让我自信心大挫。虽然Uncle Sam不断的安慰和鼓励我,但那始终为我留下了阴影。尽管如此,阴影还是要去面对的,这也是为什么我把目标投向了木船,我这么做也是希望能证明给他们看,他们是错的。另外的原因也是因为另一间民歌餐厅,爱琴海的面试次数并没有那么频繁,而且面试的回合很多,麻烦极了。不过,不管怎么样,我还是先去木船面试了再说。至于爱琴海....再说吧。等到我工作到手了,就不用为经济而担心了。我也希望自己能够自力更生,不要那么让父母那么花钱啊。但愿工作能快点来啊~~


Avin wrote this at 12:05 AM
Music by Melon


My Pals

Ashton      Brian      Audrey       Alex
Benedict    Bernice    Johan        Marcus
Pin Ping     Shu Mei   Shing Cheng   Xiao Qiang
Susan女王  Stanlyle   Jia Hoong     Roy
Sheng Ping  SiCheng   ChingMei      JingJie
Takashi     Tiffany     HuiJia        Mandy
Gurion      KimSoon    Harry       Yan Ning
Shun        Birdy      Kazuya       Cindy

Star Deejays

Yongxiang勇翔   Bavis渝伶   Szeyoo思墉       
Xiaoyun晓云     Jason纪棠   Ivy爱薇    
Shuzhuang淑庄  Marvin玠融   Cat培杰


Blogger     Friendster       Maple Story SEA
MIFC       Ngee Ann Poly    Musicdreamer Live! Cafe
Y.E.S. 933   Star DJ Search   Michael's Official Website


August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007
