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~Avin友斌 a.k.a. Melon
~16th March 1987 :: Pisces
~Queenstown, Singapore
~Dao Ming Kindergarten, My
Cheng Siu Primary 1, My
Kolam Air Secondary, My
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Sg (Biotechnology yr 3)
~Popteen::MIFC::Halo Cafe::Kelab Sejuk::Musicdreamer Live! Cafe::SCC

~Music..Singing,Guitar,Keyboard(Beginner),Saxophone(Stopped),Ocarina(Learning on my own)
~Favourite Artists..Michael Wong(Giang Liang),Victor Wong(Pin Guan),JJ Lin,Z Chen,Josh Groban,Ken Hirai,Terry Lin,K
~PC Games

MSN: maevlion@gmail.com
E-Mail: avin_316@yahoo.com

~A job!!(Gotten but earn no $)
~Good exam results(For my final year)
~Master saxophone(totally impossible~~)
~A Keyboard(PSR-450 will do)
~Compose songs(I did it!)
~Record some promised songs

Designed and made by FsDesigns

Thursday, August 25, 2005


如題﹐我們今天做的是細胞生物學的報告。我真的很“幸運”﹐為我和我的組員們抽到了一個非常困難的題目﹐那就是細胞週期的key regulators(一時不知道要怎麼翻譯﹐呵呵~~)。剛開始拿到題目時﹐天啊......這個是什麼東東啊﹖經過一番研究終于知道那些是細胞裡控制細胞週期的蛋白質和酵素。我和組員們一早就跑到學校趕報告。儘管如此﹐我最後還是遲到了.......都怪自己慢吞吞﹐power point做那麼慢。去到教室門口看到Mrs. Tang黑著臉看著我們。@#$%#%.......被訓了一頓﹐差點兒還不准我們進課室。匆匆忙忙進到課室﹐把電腦和投影機設置好後就趕快開始了。就這樣﹐我們開始報告.....一人接著一人。最後﹐老師評論時竟然稱讚我們噢﹐而且對我們的報告很滿意﹐真高興也很意外噢。呵呵~~他的臉現在倒是沒有那麼黑了。
晚上時﹐因為要到木船餐廳去交歌唱比賽的報名表格所以又翹了樂團的練習(我真是無藥可救啦....)。原本打算自己一個人出去吃飯然後再去木船﹐結果在家裡撞見也要去吃飯的房東和太太。他們邀我一起去吃(真是太好運啦﹐哇哈哈~~)。而我也不客氣地答應啦﹐呵呵~~ 我們先到克拉碼頭的木船交表格﹐接著大家就到小印度去吃飯。
就這樣﹐一天有那麼的過了。時間真的是過得太快了﹐再過不久我們的學期就要結束了﹐但願我能再期考前衝刺衝刺一下﹐呵呵~~ 今天就寫到這裡咯﹐再見~~

Avin wrote this at 11:38 PM

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tired tired tired~~

Oooo.....someone out there must be cursing me already because of the inconsistence of my blog. Last weekend i was quite busy with things in Malaysia. As what i have mentioned in the previous post, a few of my friends and i who formed Popteen(This is our vocal group, we sing together, Popteen rox~~) organised a Student Idol Singing Competition in Muar, Johor, Malaysia and last sunday was our preliminary round of the competition held at Nightless City Karaoke. All the members of Popteen and our advisor Uncle Sam was rushing here and there for the sake of this competition. I was in charged of the registration booth and there was really a lot of hassles. Fortunately, our preliminary round turned out to be quite successful although a few of the registered contestants did not turn up(as long as they have paid their registration fees, who cares whether they turn up or not leh, wahahaha<------EVIL~~). I met quite a number of friends which i knew from singing competitions i used to participate. Watching them competing really itched my throat, but too bad, i am one of the organisers so i would not be allowed to take part lo. I really have not been participating in singing competition for quite a long time, more than half a year and this seems deteriorated my skills leh. I think i better buck up now for the September competition at Ark Cafe Singapore. Gambateh~~
I did not stayed long after the competition, instead, i rushed back to Batu Pahat with my family and Alvin immediately as i had to catch a bus to Johor Bahru and to Singapore at 7.30pm. It was tiring and I slept wholeheartedly on the bus. When i arrived nearly at the Johor Bahru custom checkpoint, i was stunned. Oh gosh, the jam was horrible. Some of us who cannot stand the jam just stepped down from the bus and walked to the checkpoint. Similarly, the queue for the bus was long too. In the end, I arrived at my house in Singapore at about 12AM!! My landlord even locked the door already. Luckily he was still awake and heard my calling, if not, i would have to sleep outside the door (So pathetic oo......).
The following day, we had an experiment for Cell Biology on Human Genetics and we were ordered to taste a weird but safe chemical called PTC. Some of us managed to taste the slight bitterness of the chemical while some of us do not and this is all related to our genetic materials. As for me, i was not really sure about whether i am a taster because a weird feeling haunted me when i tasted the thing, i seemed felt the taste but not that obvious actually. Nah.....i did not care so much about it and i just put myself as "taster", wahahaha~~(don't know why is it so happy to be the taster....) This will be our last session of Cell Biology Lab Practical and next week, we'll be facing the practical exam. Sienz.....need to study again, some more clashed with the finals of our competition, I think i'll be having another tedious and tiring weekend lo, God bless me.......
For today, tuesday, as usual, we had long hours in school with 4 hours of lectures chunk together in the morning. During the Cell Biology Lecture, Mrs. Tang brought up the performance of our lecture group during the LSCT Staff and Students' Day. We were given 3 choices of songs which i'm only familiar with one of it which is More Than Words(i'm quite outdated when speaking about English songs..). In the end, we came up with the song All About You(if I'm correct la). Mrs. Tang chosen a few students to stand in front of the lecture group and lead them to sing and "fortunately" i'm one of them. OMG, i'm totally infamiliar with that song and they want us to dance too.....it's like killing me,haha~~ But i'm sure it would be fun. I think i'll much appreciate it if they choose the song More Than Words as i'll definitely be willing to play the song for all of them. I think this should add some spices to our performance. But, anyway it doesn't matter since the song is set. Furthermore, it'll be troublesome if i need to practice with all if i really "sot sot" go volunteer to be the guitarist. Haha~~
Later on, we had our IT tutorial studying Databases and SQL. It's something quite interesting but complicated though. It's similar to programming where large amount of codes are used to create a database and a search query. Almost all of us got stucked at least once during the exercise(even Mr. Phang got stucked too :P) as the commands are complex and we need to be really particular with the entries.
Oh my.....I dozed off on the bus during the trip back home from school again. Once again, I missed the bus stop at my house. I woke up only at the Queensway Shopping centre bus stop. How embarassing.......i don't know since when i develop that 'syndrome'....arrrgh...i hate it! Since i missed the bus stop, i just alighted and straight away went to Anchor Point food mall for my dinner. After i got home and wanted to online, i just realised that i was unable to search the wireless signal, which meant that my landlord off the router...... @#$%^$%^ i waited until almost 8pm only then i got to online....... what a weird day.......
Guess that is all for now, i think this entry should be quite long as it consists things happened in 3 days, woah~~ i'm going to do my OBC tutorial lo.....tata~~

Avin wrote this at 10:51 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005


昨天又沒有寫日記咯﹐我真的是太糟糕了啦。哈哈~~不過其實是有原因的啦﹐俺老子昨晚趕那個無聊的資訊報告(上次好象說是信息報告噢﹐那時說錯啦﹐不好意思~~)趕到要四點呢﹐哪會有時間寫日記啊﹖呵呵~~我當然也沒有資格怨天尤人啦﹐都是我自己報告不要提早做好才會落得這樣的下場﹐罪有應得啊~~ 昨天的報告題目是在猶豫好久才決定的﹐原本一點頭緒都沒有﹐一直擔心會被評為抄襲。因為我們學校有一個白痴的turn it in軟件系統啊﹐呈交上去資料庫的文件都要經過它把該文件和網上所有的文件和網頁資訊對比的程序。如果該文件被發現與網上的資訊有超過某指數的相似度﹐那人就準備拿零蛋啦﹐哈哈~~最後選了“圍棋”做我的題目。介紹了圍棋的歷史和一些基本相關資訊。雖然本身不大會玩但是基本的條規和下法還是知道一點的。
早上搭巴士時搭出了醜事。好丟臉啊~~由于昨晚夜車開得太遲早上精神很不好﹐一上了巴士就打瞌睡。之後就一直從家門口睡到巴士轉換站﹐錯過了學校.....無言..... 睡醒時看一看窗外的景物﹐怎麼那麼陌生﹐從來沒有見過。過一會就看到巴士轉進武吉巴督轉換站。天啊﹐已經十點了﹐課都已經開始了。我也沒辦法啊﹐馬上就趕上地鐵(還好那裡正好有地鐵站)去到學校。最後我遲到了30分鐘。所幸老師沒有發怒﹐不然我可就要被修理一頓了。呵呵~~

Avin wrote this at 2:00 AM

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Happy Day~~

Ooopppss..... I skipped blogging again yesterday. Haha~~ Sorry for that ah, I was too tired to blog yesterday. Therefore, today's entry will also cover a little bit about what happened yesterday.
Yesterday was Tuesday and all of my classmates and also I were rushing here and there for our OBC(Organic and Biological Chemistry) quiz 2 and the networking project presentation of IT. It was indeed a tiring day as we began our lesson at 8am and it last all the way until 5pm non-stoply. We were all really exhausted. At 8am, it was our OBC quiz 2. It was a quite average paper but the time given was too short. Luckily, Mdm. Teh gave us some extra time unless we wouldn't be able to finish it. Surprisingly, she discussed the quiz questions with us immediately after the quiz. Yeah, I got 3 MCQs wrongly and small mistakes at the short-answering section(although it's not perfect but i'm already happy with it...). The actual paper was given back today and I got 38.5/40 but in the end my 0.5 mark was deducted for ommiting the Hydrogen atoms at the carbohydrates. So, in the end, i got 38/40 and that was already satisfying enough. ^_^ happy.......
Yesterday after the OBC lecture, we continued with our CBIO(Cell Biology) lecture until 12noon. We quickly rushed to the SIM(Singapore Institute Of Management) food court to grab a bite as our IT lecturer Mr. Phang would not have the patience to wait. Haha~~ We started our Networking Project Presentation shortly after that. It was a stressful one as Mr. Phang commented every groups and asked us lot of questions. Just wondering all the time, why do Biotechnology student need to learn IT? Finally i realised the importance now. It's because we need lots of IT stuffs in Bioinformatics and sometimes like sequencing DNA. Anyway, presentation by our group was ok and all thanks to Yi Cheen's brother who is a IT expert. He pointed some mistakes in our proposal and added in some that we left out. Thanks lo...... After the presentation, Mr. Phang announced the results of our Networking Test which was conducted last week. Another surprisingly, Kim Soon, Yi Cheen and I all got A for the test. The coincidential part was that the surname of 3 of us are the same, which is Tan. Haha~~ ^_^happy........again!
Anyway that was a long day of school. At night, I met someone who is really interesting during i was online. This is also someone originally from Malaysia, some more from my hometown. I'm really lucky for getting to know so many Malaysians in Singapore. My OBC and CBIO lecturers are Malaysians, my senior of saxophone group in concert band is a Malaysian and even some of my net pals in Singapore are Malaysians too. We chatted until 3AM!!!!! and that was why i looked so tired today oo but we really had a nice conversation.^_^happy........again x 2(Hiak hiak~~)
Actually nothing much happened today. We just had a rush on our Trends For The Life Science PBL case presentation(Woah, really lots of projects sia.....). We got a new lecturer for this module and she seemed not happy or used to our style of presenting as she commented quite a lot but i believed that it is for our own good.
Later on, we attended the OBC lecture and i had a nice time discussing Mdm. Teh's teaching with my friend Cliff. She taught us Lipids today. I hope we didn't disturb anyone today, haha~~ However, I was quite annoyed by a few girls in front of us. They talked to Mdm. Teh about her teachings in a very inpolite manner as if they were right, made noise and talked craps. I was wondering are they really girls?? I really cannot stand this kind of people. Better that i won't meet them again in the future lectures.
Ehh.....seems that the entry today is mainly about incident happened yesterday. Haha~~ paiseh ah, as this is an early entry(only 7.20pm now) so quite few things about today to be mentioned lo. I wonder will there be anything interesting happen at night. Haha~~ Thought of projects again, -_- That is all for yesterday and today la, tata all~~

Avin wrote this at 7:21 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


放了學過後﹐和兩位朋友Kim Soon和Si Cheng去金文泰吃飯。邊吃邊聊﹐結果又是我最後吃完﹐一直納悶著﹐呵~~
昨天的日記裡提到會放上一些歌曲的連接給大家噢。不過這個計劃要再推遲一點啦﹐因為我目前一直找不到最適合的網上空間來上傳那些歌曲。不是要付費就是最大單一文件的大小有所限制。如果各位有誰知道一些免費又不錯的網上空間可以來介紹一下我吧。哈哈~~ 重重有賞啊﹗(別當真噢~~)

Avin wrote this at 2:15 AM

Monday, August 15, 2005

Back in Singapore again.....

Ohhh.....I am back in Singapore again. Caught the 5 pm bus from Batu Pahat and it happened that i arrived in Queenstown at 8pm and almost 9. Checkpoint jams really kills.....time i mean, hahaha~~ I skipped blogging for 1 day which is saturday. Hehe~~ I am not skipping it for no reason of course. I had been busy with recordings yesterday night until 3am. I only managed to record 1 song which is the official song of MIFC (Guang Liang's Fans Club) in guitar version. As for the other song which i at first wanted to present to someone special, it seems meaningless now. However i will still complete it for myself but i am still waiting for my partner, the keyboardist Alvin to master the piece first. Haha~~ I'll put on a few of my recordings in my blog later and i hope to receive views from you guys out there lo. Mmmm.....but, most of my recordings are Michael (Guang Liang)-related ones la, hope that you all won't mind.
I woke up quite late today. (Nearly 12 noon) Without my brunch (breakfast + lunch :P), I quickly finish the final touch up on my recording which i have not complete yesterday night. Actually i finished it quite late and therefore i quickly rushed for a bath and then went out with my mum for a lunner (lunch + dinner :P). We then headed to the bus terminal.
The day was just that boring. I can still remember what happened last week, the same sunday. We chatted happily and commenting about my hair style. It is still so fresh in my mind but for now, everything has changed. Let's not brood over those things that has passed as what most of my friends told me. Haha~~ But sometimes to walk out from a sad experience seems not that easy to achieve as say is easier than done. Hope that after a good sleep, everything will be normal and well again. Hahaha~~ So idealistic sia?
Actually, I don't have anything interesting to share today so it should be a quite short post. I just hope that you all will enjoy the songs that i'm going to post later and kindly give me some comments and of course critiques. Tata~~

Avin wrote this at 12:24 AM

Saturday, August 13, 2005


雖然現在確切的時間已經是周六凌晨3時許了﹐但是﹐我現在卻還在寫著周五的日記。就是為了堅持自己寫日記的決心﹐所以不論是多麼遲﹐我都要來寫一寫 (其實是睡不著吧....)。
晚上在家裡上網時﹐竟然讓我發現了一件事﹐一個令我心痛欲絕的事實。他已經找到另一個他了﹐這也就表示﹐我沒有機會了﹐我徹底失敗了.......我好傷心。為什麼他不早點告訴我﹖讓我當了那麼久的傻瓜。我想在這世界上應該沒有比我更愚蠢的人了。還傻傻的發了好多歌詞在日記裡﹐甚至連想送人家的禮物都準備好了。一想到自己愚昧的行徑我真的是受不了。究竟是什麼因素能讓一個人以及他的態度在區區幾天改變那麼多﹖我想要知道答案﹗﹗﹗ (抱歉﹐太激動了)我真的無話可說了......我心碎了.....

Avin wrote this at 3:11 AM



作詞:胡如虹 作曲:劉志文 編曲:屠穎 演唱 : 孫燕姿

你和我就算了嗎 別用沉默代替回答
陌生的讓我害怕 心像被針扎了一下
總是不提那句話 我想你是故意裝傻
不是不懂得表達 還在等什麼說清楚吧

我想你不是真的愛我 習慣被忽略不算自由
相愛的人總是不懂 為什麼真心傷的特別重
我想你不是真的愛我 當體貼漸漸受到冷落
其實愛有很多選擇 我也可以給你自由

終於明白那句話 愛能讓人一夜長大
不成熟的感情啊 讓我變得小心害怕
我和你就算了吧 不想再為愛而掙扎
愛情若沒有火花 至少了解後懂得放下

一直很喜歡這首歌﹐它的詞﹐它的旋律。從來沒有想過這首歌會被套在我自己身上。我只希望他能看到這篇歌詞﹐了解我的意思。我真是太失敗了....... 如果大家有興趣﹐不妨去找來聽聽﹐真的是一首不錯的作品。呵呵~~ (沒想到我竟然還笑得出來....)

Avin wrote this at 1:44 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Slackin' Day~~

Today is a rather slacking day for me (i think it is for most of my classmates too :P) .This is because we only attended 2 hours of OBC practical in school as the CBIO tutorial lesson had been cancelled by Mrs Tang. She is quite busy here and there for meetings recently, i wonder what are all those meetings about. But anyway, we just enjoyed that short day in school. After the short practical, a few of us went for a really late lunch at abt 2pm. Audrey and I were debating about whether i should stay in school with her to attend the band practice or i should go home first as her 'kor kor' Brian would be going home first. Haha~~ She was nagging......opps....should be advising me to stay with her to accompany her and so i stayed lo. (Audrey, please don't get angry ah...haha~~)
We then straight away went to the club house for practice after our meal. Only the way, James stepped on my new-bought sport shoes which is white in color. I immediately flared up and shouted at James. Brian and Audrey were shocked by my reaction (unlike the normal Yu Pin....i think they thought it this way~~). The emotional me of today should b responsible for my harsh reaction i think. Haiz..... When we got there, we saw a few seniors there resting on the sofas. Woah...the light in the room has been changed to blue, what a cool color. However, it hurts my eyes. We practice on our own since abt 3pm to 6pm. Merrill and a few of our seniors were asking us to stay when we were packing up for leaving. Audrey and I agreed to stay longer in the future but of course not for today la. I hope that i can play together with the whole band too, but i still dun have confidence in my sightreading skill. Furthermore, the seniors in our group did not aid me much. (or prehaps i seldom attend band practice?)Wish that i can master my Saxophone soon lo. Changing instrument seems very troublesome too, so, I will just try it for some more time la.
Despite the slacking, today is a really sad day for me too. Our outing tomorrow is ruined. I wonder is it because of too much of homework and projects need to be done by the someone or someone just don't feel like to go out with me. I felt that our gap is broadening from time to time. I don't even get my reply for SMSes. What is the reason? I wish I know. I even planned to go back to Malaysia only on Saturday, just meant for the date but in the end........ How discouraging...... I became seriously emotional recently. Hope that i can get over it as soon as possible as i still have tons of work to do on the weekends and also next week. I need to arrange and record the guitar version of the official song of the MIFC (Michael's International Fans Club) and also record the songs i mentioned ealier which is meant for someone...wahaha~~. Moreover, there are altogether 5 projects presentation and report need to be handed up next week. Oh my, i hope this semester can end as soon as possible.
That is all for today's entry. I got a little carried away actually, hope that you all enjoy it. Cheerio~~

Avin wrote this at 11:57 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


唉...我的毛病又犯了啦﹐又想不到主題應該放什麼了。幾番細思量還是決定放這個“無題”的主題 (“廢”到了極點噢~~)。今天是個星期三啦﹐回想一下﹐我寫日記已經一個禮拜了耶﹐還既得利益上個星期三我寫了關於我沒有做習題的事。時間真的是不饒人的啊。本人已經受到一些意見說我的日記太長了啦﹐看都看到要暈了。呵呵~~以後我會收斂一點的啦﹐大家放心。
今天我可是所有功課都有做噢﹐挺高興的說。不過就是熬夜太多了﹐精神很不好。上完化學課後﹐大家趕去參加我校生命科學院的茶會。聽了我們的學院負責人一番講話後﹐覺得還挺“廢”的 (好壞啊﹐我﹗)。不過大家倒是很享受學院準備的茶點啦。其間﹐我還唱了一些歌給同學們聽。我想他們大概是看了我的日記才會叫我唱的吧。我真的很喜歡音樂﹐很享受唱歌。我唱得很開心﹐但願我的同學們聽了也會跟著開心。音樂本來就該為人們帶來喜悅啊。我想這大概是今天唯一能讓我覺得開心的時刻.....
今天其實我的情緒非常不好﹐一直投訴這個投訴那個。我想大概是精神不足和麼一些私人事情造成我的失控的。我已經許久不曾這樣了﹐但是不知道為什麼現在會那麼的...... 我希望我還能夠理智的思考。要對我的老師和同學們說聲對不起啊﹐如果我因為情緒不好﹐有什麼冒犯﹐千萬要多多包涵啊。大不了﹐唱多幾首歌給你們聽(笑﹗)。哇哈哈~~

Avin wrote this at 10:34 PM

A meaningful song to share......

作詞﹕Misia 作曲﹕松本俊明 演唱﹕Misia
真是不可思議  祈望的奇蹟  為何眷顧著我

一直想見你 見不到你如過去緊閉的門扉
頃巢而出的思念  與你的笑容相合

可愛的你 不要再悲傷  夜裡哭的累了或睡了
不再回首過去  只凝視著你

You're everything You're everything

永遠呼喚著流逝的時間 倘若遙遠的未來沒有邊境
想跟你同行 想跟你一起窺探這樣的歲月

可愛的你 緊緊擁抱著 永遠停留在最溫柔的那一刻
牽著雙手 只凝視此時

You're everything You're everything
即使是你離去的場景 請務必答應 能在這樣的夜晚見面

You're everything You're everything

You're everything You're everything
即使是你離去的場景 消逝遠去的相會 胸口隱隱的痛楚

You're everything You're everything


surechigau toki no naka de anata to meguri aeta
fushigi ne negatta kiseki ga konna ni mo soba ni aru nante
aitai omoi no mama aenai jikan dake ga
sugiteku tobira surinukete
mata omoi dashite ano hito to warai au anata wo
itoshiki hito yo kanashimasenaide nakitsukarete nemuru yoru mo aru kara
kako wo minaide mitsumete watashi dake
You’re everything You’re everything
anata ga omou yori tsuyoku yasashii uso nara iranai hoshii no wa anata
oh oh yeah
dore kurai no jikan wo eien to yoberu daroo
hate shina(ku) tooi mirai nara
anata to yukitai anata to nozoite mitai sono hi wo
itoshiki hito yo dakishimete ite itsumo no yoo ni yasashii toki no naka de
kono te nigitte mitsumete ima dake wo
You’re everything You’re everything
anata to hanareteru basho demo aeba kitto yurushite shimau donna yoru demo
You’re everything You’re everything
anata no yume miru hodo tsuyoku aiseru chikara wo yuuki ni ima kaete yukoo
oh oh You’re my everything
You’re everything You’re everything
anata to hanareteru basho demo aeba itsumo kiesatte yuku mune no itami mo
You’re everything You’re everything
anata ga omou yori tsuyoku yasashii uso nara iranai hoshii no wa anata
You’re everything You’re everything
You’re everything... My everything


Avin wrote this at 12:38 AM

Monday, August 08, 2005

Singapore National Day eve = moody day~~

Woah, today is singapore's National Day eve. This year Singapore will be celebrating it's 40th birthday so it should be quite a special and meaningful one with new Prime Minister and new vision.
I was told by our Cell Biology (CBIO) lecturer, Mrs Tang to wear red for this particular day. She even asked me to pass a round the message, but i only managed to inform a few of my classmates. As i am reli 'obedient' (really??!!), i followed Mrs Tang's advice and wore red. Haha~~ Simply because she informed me personally, ignoring will be quite rude la. After all the 'grooming' for the morning, i suddenly realised that i'm even more patriotic to Singapore than my other Singaporean classmates (just kidding~~) as my t-shirt was red, wrist bands i was wearing are in red and white and the same goes to my new Nike sport shoes. It was really a coincidence, but i really like the combination of red and white la, haha~~ There was even more. When i reached school, my classmates were so shocked by my outfit. Audrey even ask me whether i'm wearing u_der g_rme_t in red. I was 'freeze' by her but for that certainly not red la.
Actually today went to school very much earlier than usual, at about 10am while our lecture starts at 12noon. i went there earlier to revise our Biological Chemistry with a 'couple' of friends, hehe~~ They missed a few lectures and so i tried to revise them as to give them a clearer view. Poor Swee Hong was sick with high fever and severe sore throat. Vanessa was so caring to him, i at the moment was also hoping that i can have someone that cares for me. I really need someone to cure my loneliness. That is why i seriously wish that the someone will accept me..... Probably the moodiness started at the moment. Haha~~ Enough of personal affairs, back to the topic. We were only able to revise until the oxidation of monosaccharides and we still have a long way to go. They agreed that we meet up another day to finish it off.
During the Cell Biology lecture, we had quite a great time with our class, 1F06 completed the quiz given by Mrs Tang in the shortest time and full marks. But what a pity, we did not receive any prize leh, hehe~~ At the end of our lecture, we received National Day goodie bag given by Ngee Ann i think. It consists of a towel, balloon, flag and also the NEW WATER by Singapore. The New Water is really a unique kind of water, for Singaporeans, i'm sure all you guys know how unique it is lo, haha~~ (suspense....) Later on, we sang a few of the Singapore patriotic songs too. I'm quite familiar with a few of those songs as i used to watch Singapore TV channels a lot. We had an interesting time there but that made us late for our CBIO practical. Luckily our lecturer, Mdm Mrinal was understanding and did not penalise us. Whew.......
I just happened to realise that my handphone had ran out of credit when i failed to send a sms today. Therefore, after school, i went to Clementi to get myself a top up card. Really cannot stand if my handphone is unable to function. Haha~~ After reaching home, an idea poped up. I felt like going out to have my dinner and window shopping about at the same time. Without any hesitation, i just gone out. Took the 51 bus and headed to Bugis Junction. Probably due to the moodiness and tiredness, i slept on the bus. Luckily, i did not miss the Bugis bus stop. On the way, i spotted the Apollo Center where the Ark Music Cafe is located in and this had led me to another story then, haha~~ I had a set of Chicken Teriyaki Don at the Bugis Junction Food Court. It was ok but the price is quite high. I guess that is the normal price for Japanese cuisine la. After that, i immediately gave up the intension to window shop, instead, i headed to Apollo Center for Ark Music Cafe. Formerly, I was one of the singers and guitarists of the Halo Music Cafe in Malaysia, that brought up my curiosity to visit there. I have been there once but there wasn't any singers singing at the time. Today, i finally got to have a good view on them. I ordered a cup of peppermint coffee. They even served me with potato chips that i did not ask for, i wonder why (you'll know why later,@#$%@$!!). The singers there sing quite ok but a few of them failed to pitch the song well, thus resulting in flat notes (i seriously didn't mean harm okie? Just a casual remark.). However, i was truly impressed by their instrumental skill. The keyboardist and guitarist are truly experts. How i wish that i can get a chance to interact with them. I got myself a register form for the Ark Cafe Singing Competition too. It has been a long time since i last took part in a competition, so i think this should be a great chance for me to train myself really intensively for the sake of the competition. Anyway, i have not decide whether to take part or not. Haha~~ Finally, the part is here. I was going for bill for my orders. They passed me the bill and i cannot believe what i saw. $18 for a cup of peppermint coffee and potato chips. I nearly fainted. I did not even finish my chips. What other options do i have? I just paid unwillingly. Actually entering this cafe is one of my wishes. So if i really get to be a singer in this cafe in the next semester, i can then escape the high priced junks whenever i feel like to enjoy music.
I think that will be my entry for the time being. It is quite long though, I hope that readers will not get bored when reading my blog. Tata~~

Avin wrote this at 11:57 PM

Sunday, August 07, 2005


觀賞完比賽過後﹐我們Popteen的成員就馬上開始投入工作了。今天得做的事還真多﹐我們去找了幾個贊助商﹐和報館(不過主管不在﹐呵呵~~)。我還大膽第一次嘗試在交通繁忙的麻坡街道駕車。駕著我們老師那沒有power steering的大馬國產靈鹿車還真是吃力。辦完外面的事﹐我們便回到老師家中開會﹐討論了好多的細節﹐事項。到現在才發覺要舉辦一場歌唱比賽是多麼的不簡單啊。不過聽到倩儀的朋友非常佩服我們只有7﹐8個人的比賽籌委我真的感到好高興。
晚餐過後﹐繼續比賽籌備工作。當然在忙碌之余我們也練了一下歌。發覺大家好久沒有一起練歌了﹐有點生疏。我更是糟糕﹐不知道怎麼回事的﹐一直唱得很辛苦。懷疑可能是熬夜過多的關係。而老師竟然說我是身體變差﹐讓我不禁擔心了一下。哈哈~~一直忙到11點﹐我們才收工。相信大家都很累了﹐我當然也不例外﹐不過還得趕回在Batu Pahat的家啊﹐辛苦老遠跑來接我和Alvin的媽媽咯。真的謝謝你﹐我愛你﹗﹗(今天有點不正常﹐呵呵~~)

Avin wrote this at 1:02 AM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Back to Malaysia~~

Today is Friday and it is time for me to go back to my 'home sweet home', Batu Pahat, which is in the Johor state of Malaysia. The morning gave me a weird and unpleasant feeling because of the presentation we presented in our Communication Toolkit module (ComT) in school. Due to this formal oral presentation assessment, we were told to dress in formal attire. Formal long sleeve shirt, slacks and leather shoes....... I did have the shirt, slacks or even a tie with me in singapore, but what was missing? The leather SHOES!! I left my leather shoes in Malaysia. Oh goodness, i wore shirt, slacks and tie but with sport shoes, which made me look weird as if i am a lao ah pek(uncle). But since i have no choice, i accepted it. When i was in school, Charissa, who is my classmate, kind of surprised when she saw me in that 'weird' combination suit. Haha~~ It was really embarrassing. I quickly got it changed into jeans and t-shirt after the presentation. That suits me better.
We had a very short interval after the ComT tutorial before we moved on to the Individual And The Community (IAC) due to the overrun of time limit during the presentation session. Can anyone imagine how will it be like when you only have 15 minutes of break and all the canteens and food courts are crowded with people? That was what we experienced. In the end, we forced ourselves to stuff in sandwiches......... I felt so bad and guilty as i failed my teammates again. They decided to have a discussion on our projects after the IAC session. However, i cannot join them as i have to rush back to Malaysia. I really hope that they will not take it to heart and i apologise to you all (Wei Tai, Cliff, Qi Xian and Melody) in here. Sorry yah.....
I had been planning on what to do this friday (should be yesterday) since a few days ago. I have planed to do some recordings of songs with my friend who is a keyboardist in Malaysia. The song is meant for someone who is very special and important to me. Despite that special person, i promised someone else to record that song for them too. However, all my plans and meetings had been ruined in the end by multiparties.....Haha~~ firstly, i received sms from my ex-classmates for a gathering at a cafe. I really hoped that i can turn up but i cannot. Secondly, i received a call from my vocal teacher from Muar asking me to follow him to Muar as he would be coming to Batu Pahat for some personal affairs. I rejected too because of the plans i planed earlier. Thirdly, my dad asked me to follow him to a newly opened pub cum bistro run by a friend of his to help them testing their sound system. I went there reluctantly but since it is from my dad, i respect him and followed. The place was awful, without microphone and guitar wires. How they expected me to test it?? It was ruined. Lastly, when i got back to home and called my friend for the recording session, guess what he asked and told me? "I have not practice leh, you trust me?". I was so shocked but then nothing much could be done as i request help from him and i should respect his decision. So, that is how my friday nite was ruined. Guess that i hav to postpone my recording session furthermore. Haiz...... How discouraging la. Hope that i can fork out my time as soon as possible for the song. I will also post up the url link of the song in my blog later and i hope to receive comments from the readers on it. Haha~~
I think that is roughly all for my entry today. I have to sleep earlier as i need to rush up to Muar tomorrow and spend my whole day there with my Popteen (a singing group formed by a few of my friends and i) mates for practices and meetings. Haiz.....Why is it that i still need to work so much when i come back to Malaysia. Isn't it for break and relaxation? I am so stressed~~
Tata all~~

Avin wrote this at 2:12 AM

Friday, August 05, 2005


哈哈~~今天是時候用華文來發表日記啦。今天是第三天發表日記﹐還是興致勃勃的﹐就不知道我能夠維持這份興致多久噢。但願我不會只是三分鐘熱度。其實我對于這些日記網站﹐它們的功能等都還有許多不了解﹐還在摸索的階段。今天向博客資歷比較深的同學請教了一下關於blog Skin的東西。這才發覺要經營一個像樣的Blog是不簡單的﹐光是一大堆看不懂的HTML代碼就夠我忙了的。但願再過不久﹐我就能讓大家看一個比較像樣﹐比較好看Blog咯。
今天上課時倒是沒有什麼值得分享的事情噢﹐就那麼的平淡。這該是好事嗎﹖哈哈~~ 雖然如此﹐還是有值得一提的事。同班的“一對”同學﹐希望我星期一能幫他們溫習有機與生物化學(OBC)。我真的覺得有點受寵若驚﹐還高興了一會兒。不過回過頭來想﹐我的對生物化學似乎還有許多問號(都是你自己上課不專心啦﹗)﹐要幫他們溫習﹐我自己就得先啃一啃筆記咯。除此之外﹐我還得在星期天晚上就趕回來新加坡(通常都是星期一早上~~)﹐不然我第二天可來不及跟他們溫習啊。不過﹐這樣也好﹐幫他們溫習的同時﹐我自己也好溫故知新一下。說了那麼多﹐我現在才發覺﹐我趕不趕得回來都是一個問題耶。因為星期天婆婆做壽﹐孫子當然要去賀賀壽咯﹐也不曉得酒席會到幾點。但願來得及趕去新加坡。

Avin wrote this at 12:43 AM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A poem to share......

The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I?
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Avin wrote this at 10:00 PM


I had been thinking for almost 10 minutes before i finally confirmed the title of this post. Nevertheless, the title is still a very boring and meaningless one. Hope that i will have better inspiration for my title in the next post.
Since today is wednesday, my school hour started at 9am with Mdm Teh's OBC(Organic and Biological Chemistry)tutorial session. Remembered that i was late for this session last week. It was truly embarrassing as i woke up at 8.30am, onli half an hour left for my class to begin. Haha~~Although i managed to attend today's session punctually but i didn't even touch on my tutorial questions, this is equally terrible as compared to last week. Luckily Mdm Teh didn't ask us to present the answer to the class or else i will be dead......Wahahah~~i really need to correct this bad habit ah.
Moved on to a later hour of the day, i went to attend the Trends In The Life Science expert lecture on Genetically Modified Food(GMF) with my fellow classmates. That was really a darn boring lecture. The great Prof Teng from NIE and currently a staff of Monsanto(an agricultural biotechnology company) should be giving us a lecture on facts of GMF, but instead, he gave a lecture mostly on commercialisation on biotechnology, how is it beneficial, etc. which is really not what i expect to listen to. I almost dozed off in the lecture...........
During the break of the following lecture after the expert lecture(OBC by Mdm Teh), i met someone who asked me a question that really made me annoyed, angry and sad. XXX said: "Why are u earing your ear piece all the time? Are you trying to act cool?Huh...". I was furious but i just replied with a grin.haha~~ Just want to clarify a bit in here, i do have a reason for why i wear my ear piece all the time. It is certainly not because that i want to "act cool". The wire of my ear piece will get tangled up easily once it is removed and it will be a dreadful task to fix it when i want to wear it again. In order to avoid this kind of troublesome matter, i just resorted to wear my ear piece all the time until i reach home. Furthermore, i can enjoy my music easily anytime. Wahahah~~weird reason isn't it? So, guys ah, please dun ever mistake me as that kind of "act cool" people la, okie?
Today, i met her, who was once my best and closest friend on the MSN. It has been a long time since i last saw her personally and chat to her. I tink roughly around 3-4 months or even more. She chose herself a tough path in furthering her studies. News about her being stressed and has not been in good health were heard by me. I really hope that she had made herself the best decision and i pray and wish her to success. Sometimes different choices and decisions really gives us a different future. Haha~~
That is all for this post la, i should go to work on my school projects now, haha~~

Avin wrote this at 9:30 PM


客套話說完後當然就要說一下我對這日記的期許吧。呵呵~~會萌生寫網絡日記的念頭是因為我一直缺少一位可以分享生活點滴的聆聽者啊。所以現在就要大家做我的聆聽者吧﹐哇哈哈~~(好霸道噢﹖) 其二呢﹐我則是想通過寫寫日記來加強自己的英語能力﹐因為本人的文法真的是非常壞到令人咋舌啊。呵呵~~

Avin wrote this at 1:02 AM

First Time Blogging~~

Hello, everybody. Just got my new blog set up. This is surely, definitely my very first time blogging, so whenever my dear readers have any opinions or even suggestions, please feel free to comment it in the site. I would much appreciate that. Haha~~spouted a lot of rubbish just now. Really hope that through this blog, i can get myself a virtual listener whom i can share my joy and sorrow of life with. Secondly, i certainly hope that i can improve my English by blogging la because my English really atrocious especially the grammar part.haha~~ From now on, i will blog using both Chinese and english in alternating entries as to maintain as well as practice my language.(anyone wants it to be in Malay also??Hehe~~) So, there goes for my 1st blog entry.Haha~~

Avin wrote this at 12:56 AM
Music by Melon


My Pals

Ashton      Brian      Audrey       Alex
Benedict    Bernice    Johan        Marcus
Pin Ping     Shu Mei   Shing Cheng   Xiao Qiang
Susan女王  Stanlyle   Jia Hoong     Roy
Sheng Ping  SiCheng   ChingMei      JingJie
Takashi     Tiffany     HuiJia        Mandy
Gurion      KimSoon    Harry       Yan Ning
Shun        Birdy      Kazuya       Cindy

Star Deejays

Yongxiang勇翔   Bavis渝伶   Szeyoo思墉       
Xiaoyun晓云     Jason纪棠   Ivy爱薇    
Shuzhuang淑庄  Marvin玠融   Cat培杰


Blogger     Friendster       Maple Story SEA
MIFC       Ngee Ann Poly    Musicdreamer Live! Cafe
Y.E.S. 933   Star DJ Search   Michael's Official Website


August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007
